Major Industrial Regions in the World: The industrial landscape developed by the concentration of various industries in a large area is called industrial region. There is no basic industry in it, most of the industries are of independent existence. Factors affecting industrial development in these areas are more favorable due to which many industries develop in these areas and a group of industries is formed.

In other words, “Industrial regions are those areas where various series of factories have a central position and industrial landscapes are formed.” However, only on the basis of the large number of factories, an area cannot be termed as an industrial region. Rather than the number of factories in an industrial region, the series and affiliation of industries is more important. This affiliation leads to the development of the industrial landscape. Industrial regions have the following characteristics-
● Many cities are found in industrial regions because there is a close relationship between factories and towns. Where factories are established, there is a large number of workers here. Cities are developed to meet their housing and other needs. That’s why it is said that industrialization inevitably gives rise to urbanization but the opposite may or may not be true.
Factories are also related to transport means, so due to the close relationship between factories and means of transport, a dense network of different means of transport is found in industrial regions.
● Various factories are also related to each other leading to industrial clusters.(Industrial cluster) is formed. ● The number of people dependent on agriculture in the entire population is negligible. But mineral production can be important.
● Population working in industrial areas mostly in secondary works is attached.
For demarcation of industrialization it is important to understand the level of industrialization and its regional expansion. Such an entire area will be considered as an industrial region in which the same level of industrialization has taken place. The level of industrialization is determined on several grounds, these are the following-
- Number of factories
- Number of persons engaged in production and their proportion to the total population Ratio
- amount of energy
- Total industrial production etc.
For determining the level of industrialization, no one basis is included, rather industrialization is determined on several grounds. Factors that affect industrial location include availability of raw materials, land, water, labor force, capital, transportation, and markets. Industries are concentrated in places where some or all of these factors are readily available.
Government policies also influence industrial development so that industries can be established even in backward areas. Weber’s theory of industrial location gives preference to the point of least transport cost over the location of industries over other factors. According to this principle, the point of minimum transport cost will be the place of maximum profit. Weber’s theory seems to have a clear effect on the localization of many industries in the world such as iron, cement, sugar industry etc in Industrial Regions
There is great disparity in the regional distribution of industries in the world. This disparity is found not only in different countries of the world but also within an industrial region. Due to high inequality in distribution and concentration of industries, it is difficult to demarcate industrial regions at the world level.
Industries in the world have been concentrated over a large area in a few regions, including the Middle-Eastern part of North America, Western and Central Europe, European part of Russia, South and East Some regions of Asia such as Japan, China, India and some regions of Australia are included. There is abundance of small scale and cottage Industrial Regions in South and East Asia.
Industrial Regions of North America
from the Missouri and Mississippi river systems to the Atlantic Ocean Is detailed. All types of goods and construction industries are there in this industrial region. see you. Industrial clusters have developed in a vast area here. The following regions of the United States and Canada are found in this industrial region– Industrial regions of the United States
Industrial Regions in the U.S.A.
- New England Territory
- Mid-Atlantic Coastal Region
- Appalachian Region
- New York State
- Michigan Slope Region
- West Coast Industrial Region
New England Industrial Regions: Industry in the New England region is spread across the eastern and western regions. The New England region is an early industrial region of the United States with a diversity of industries. Industrial and electrical equipment, printing, publishing, transportation of materials, metals and manufactured goods are important here.
Boston is the center of eastern New England, and industry in western New England is concentrated in the Connecticut Valley. Here Hartford, Brisport, Springfield New Haven, New Bristol etc. are the major centers. Two-thirds of the industries in western New England are related to metal goods. Here ships are developed in New London Cottons-Newbredford, Mass Textiles-Lawrence, Manchester, Vowels in Boston and Helicopters in Strafford. Many facts proved helpful in the development of industrial regions in New England like-
- USA Industries first developed in New England.
- In the beginning of the 18th and 19th centuries, relatively the richest There was a population.
- Hydroelectricity facility.
- Import-export facility etc. due to the accessibility of the port. • Facility of wood from dense forests.
That’s why industries developed quickly here in the beginning. But in course of time the initial supremacy of New England started to end as the density of population started moving towards the west. Due to the generation of thermal power from coal, the concentration of industries in the coal region increased.
Mid-Atlantic Ocean Coastal Access: Many heavy and light industries are established in this Industrial Regions, most of which are concentrated on the island of Manhattan. New York industrial area is the largest in the United States Sapna Hua Sarva is an urbanized area. The other important Malware River in the region is Mitwat from Trenton in the valley. There is more diversity, with Philadelphia being the most important, other major centers being Morrisville and Cayman.
Many oil refineries are located on both sides of the Delaware River. The area has a low diversity of industries. Cement is produced here in the Lil Valley. Hostel and other e and other goods are manufactured. South East Virginia is also an important industrial area in the Industrial Regions with Remand Patton Portmath NewportNews being the major industrial centre. Ill is a major industrial center in the Sapi Bay region with industries related to steel, sugar, iron, water fertilizers, petroleum and chemicals. The printing and publishing industry is prominent in The following are the factors for the location of industries in this area-
- Access to markets and skilled and ordinary people
- Access to capital and technology
- High concentration of population in coastal areas
- Supply from nearby energy sources
- Port facilities
Appalachian Industrial Regions: Some industries already existed in this region but real industrial development took place after 1920. There is a variety of industrial products here. Iron is manufactured in Yum and Bessemer and aluminum metal is manufactured in Alcoa. Textile industry, forest industry, chemical fertilizer and transport are important in this area. Availability of raw material, availability of hydropower facility to laborers and sheet are the main factors of industrial development in this Industrial Regions.
New York State: The reason for the development of industries in this area is the rapidly developed form of means of transport. There are specific industries in each center and an industrial belt is found from Alwani to Buffalo. Industries here are located in the Mohawk Valley, the Hudson and Champlin Valley and the Ontario Plain.
Rochester is an important center for photographic accessories, cameras and microprints. Troy Johnstown Cirque is the other industrial center. In other centers of this state, locomotives, electrical and other machines, textiles, chemicals, etc. are generally produced.
Lake Michigan Region: Industry in this Industrial Regions is concentrated in the greater Chicago metropolitan area and Milwaukee. Apart from this, Indiana Har, Green, Rockford, Southwind etc. are important industrial centers. Steel plants stretched along the shores of Lake Michigan from Gary to southern Chicago. The following are the reasons for the development of industrial centers in this region-
- It is the most fertile agricultural region of the country.
- Plurality of workers here due to its population
- Railways are a substantial extension of roadways.
- Water and water transport facilities.
- Detroit Motor Manufacturing Industry and Chicago Important for the meat processing industry.
Western Coastal Industrial Entry: Due to the dense population and high industrial concentration in the eastern part of the United States, the US government is establishing new industries with a view to develop the western region as an industrial regions in modern times.
Here in the USA Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Seattle, and Portland are major industrial centers located in the Pacific Ocean coastal regions in the western part of the US. Anaheim Motor Manufacturing, San Francisco and Seattle are major centers of shipbuilding in the Industrial Regions.
Industrial Regions of Canada: Most of Canada’s industry is concentrated in a few regions in its eastern part. Canada’s principal industrial belt is located in the Saint-Saurns Valley and in southern Ontario, between the cities of Quebec and Windsor. 90% of the industrial production here takes place in this region.
Canada’s iron and steel industries are concentrated in Ontario and Quebec. There are major centers of ferro-alloys in Montreal and Balland. Mills for pulp, paper and other wood are located between the southern edge of the Laurician Shield and the St. Lawrence River. Automotive factories are located between Visser and Ottawa. The world’s largest oil refinery is located in Sania.
The following are the reasons for the development of industrial areas in Canada-
● Availability of labor due to high concentration of population in the eastern part of Canada.
● There is market availability and the potential of hydropower generation is also high.
● There is availability of soft wood and other raw materials in the nearby areas of this region.
● Coal is obtained from the Appalachian mines of the adjacent United States.
Industrial Regions in EU
A large industrial region in Western Europe extending from Britain to central Poland and from the Po river valley to Sweden. Western Europe has an important place in the major industrial regions of the world. This region has been the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and the forerunner of industrial production.
Industrial Revolution based on production by machines in large factories started in Great Britain in the 18th century, which later expanded to other countries of Western Europe such as France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. Coal was the main source of energy in the 18th century; Hence industrial regions extended from Great Britain to Germany and Poland in vast coalfields. In the development of industrial regions in the European Union the following
Factors are important-
- Abundance of energy resources.
- Facility of cheap sea transport.
- No water supply problem.
- Supply of skilled manpower due to dense population.
Industrial areas are located in the Mediterranean region of Europe where Venice, Geneva and Marseille are the major industrial centers. Petrorefining, chemical industry and iron and steel industry are important in these cities.
The interior regions of Europe are old industrial regions. These include the Midlands in Great Britain, Saar-Lorraine on the border of France and Germany, the Ruhr region of Germany and Turin in Italy. Essen and Dortmund are the main centers in the Ruhr industrial regions.
Iron and steel industry factories in Sir are often near coal mines. Heavy engineering industries are often located near iron and steel plants. These factories are located in Dortmund, Overhausen, Essen and Isberg. Folk based chemical industries also have special importance in Sir.
Following are the reasons for industrialization in Ruhr Valley-
- Availability of good quality coal.
- Availability of water and facility of water transport.
- Market Access
- Availability of transport.
- Availability of raw material.
Many industrial cities are located in the Rhine river valley. Among these, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Strasbourg and Zurich are prominent. There is predominance of such industries in this area where the requirement of raw material is less. But the cost of the goods produced is high. Among these, machines, tools, aircraft, motor vehicles, heavy machines, micro and optical instruments are prominent. Brussels and Antwerp are the major industrial centers in Belgium.
Iron, steel, heavy metals in the Larin-Saar industrial region of France. and chemical industries are noteworthy. Iron and steel industries are concentrated in the Moselle valley, Thionville, Metz and Languewe basins. In addition to heavy industries like iron and steel, Nancy also has textile, furniture, electrical machines and leather industries.
The northern part of Italy is also a major industrial region in Europe. It is located in the Po river valley. Italy has textile industry and engineering. Three-quarters of Italy’s industry is in the provinces of Sombadi and Piedmont.
Milan and Surin are two major industrial centers in Italy. Milan silk, kani, cotton rayon all kinds of clothes are manufactured and there are also factories for vehicles, electrical machines, agricultural tools. Motor vehicles, aircraft, machines, tools, chemical substances etc. are installed. Brescia, Cremona, Warsaw, Florence, Naples, Bole and other industrial centers are there.
The industrial areas of Sweden and Denmark are also notable in the Scandinavia region of Europe. Most of the factories here are located in the lake area from Stockholm. In iron ore extracted from Kiruna mine. The best quality iron and steel is made.
Europe also has a concentration of industries in Russia. Five industrial regions are found here where the concentration of industries is relatively high. (1) Moscow Region (2) Ukraine Region (3) Middle Bolga Region (4) Ural Region and 25) Leningrad Region Apart from this, important industries are also established in Kuznetsk Basin, Caucasus, Omsk Kagda and other cities.
A wide variety of industries cross over into the Moscow industrial region of Russia. Steel, machinery, and automobiles, aircraft, diesel engines, textiles, leather, and rubber goods are notable in the regions surrounding Moscow. There are iron and steel factories in Tula and many other small towns. Trams and underground carriages are made in Mytirchi. Various machines, transport goods and metal goods are made in Gorki. Serfukov, south of Moscow, is a well-known textile industry center.
A cotton textile industry is also located in Ivanovo. It is called the ‘Manchester of the Soviet Union’. This industrial region lacks sources of raw material and power, but still the development of industries is due to high population density, Moscow being the capital, availability of labor and market, availability of transport etc. Apart from this, it is the oldest industrial region of Russia.
In the Ukrainian region, there are industries located in Kriyrog, Donvas, Donetsk, Donovera Kerch, Sinfdur, Odesa Kosh and many other places where steel, machinery, diesel engines, turbines, generators and other important sectors are located. Apart from this, textile industry, ships, agricultural implements and metal industries are important.
Metallurgical industries predominate in the Ural region of Russia. Here Sverdlovsk is the main center. It is not only an industrial center but also an economic cultural center. Chelyabinsk, south of Sverdlovsk, has Russia’s largest ferroalloy (iron alloy) factory in addition to iron. Oil refining and petrochemical industries are important in the Western Couple region. Worms, Ufa and Ishimev are other notable industrial cities.
Another important region of Russia from industrial point of view is Leningrad Region. Here the engineering industry developed from the very beginning. There is also a shipbuilding center here. Besides Leningrad there are cotton textile factories in Petrokrepost. raw materials due to the convenience of the port in Leningrad
The convenience of import, availability of market and development of transport means are the main factors for the localization of industries here. Apart from this, the concentration of Russian industries are located in Kuznetsk region, Baikal Lake region, Caucasus region.
Industry location
The location of industries is influenced by many factors. Among these, availability of raw material, energy, market, capital, transport, labor etc. are important. The relative importance of these factors varies according to time, place, requirement, raw material and type of industry, however, from the economic point of view, manufacturing industries are established only where the cost of production and the cost of delivering the manufactured goods to the consumers is the lowest. Transportation cost depends to a large extent on the nature of raw materials and manufactured goods.

Apart from purely geographical factors, historical, political and economic factors also affect the localization of industries. Sometimes these elements are more influential than geographical factors.
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