Climate change is an important phenomenon of the atmosphere. All the economic and non-economic activities of man are affected by them. Today we have the best of all. Society, climate, nation and the world’s major challenge Climate change is an important component of climate change due to increase in global temperature.

The environment has been each. One of the major concerns now is climate change, which used to happen a century ago, is happening in a decade. This is a worldwide concern now.
(a) Due to the weakening of the global ozone layer
(b) Increase in temperature combined
It has been given in the annual report issued by the World Meteorological Organization that – remained in the year. 1995 warmest year worldwide since 1961 report by scientists in Geneva
There has been an increasing concern about the increase in global temperature and this concern has now become ubiquitous.
The most important cause of the increase in temperature is the unprecedented increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. CaH Co is formed due to this increase. The returning energy waves of the Sun are not able to cross it, due to which the temperature of the atmosphere is increasing day by day. The atmospheric temperature has increased by 1°C during the last century. Since 1985, the temperature rise is clearly visible.
Atmospheric causes of increase in temperature are heat-absorbing gases. In addition to the rays of light coming from the Sun, the atmosphere absorbs the absorbed heat, and the heat of the earth’s surface heated by it and the infrared radiation generated by the plants, is returned to the outside environment i.e. space. Stops me from going in.
That- the earth is the effect of green house, the average temperature remains 15° 17°C. Page 30 of Taxes on Green House Gases Due to this, the earth’s warming which was -0.3°C in the year 1810, has increased to +0.3°C in the year 1990.
Challenges for the developing Bihar
Climate change at the global level for the people of Bihar because it is one of its multi-faceted challenges is a major challenge for us. Effects can be- such as- change in natural ecosystem, food-problem, extinction of animals and birds, human health, rising sea and weather-related crisis of water level are major, our states are based on its geography, weather pattern and climate. (i.e. the latitude and longitude between which Bihar is located. Bihar’s
Boundaries like- Nepal in the north, Jharkhand in the south and different parts of the world, West Bengal in the east, Uttar Pradesh in the west, which is in the area of biodiversity. Due to its spread till the west the rays of the sun meet in the gap Time
Due to which there are changes in weather and climate, water and land within its plot. 12. Difference in expansion, difference in height. Difference is seen in trees and plants. Due to climate change, problems have increased in the agro-climatic region here. Changes are also being observed in the arrival time of monsoon. Of The climate of Bihar
located in the eastern part of India, is influenced not only by the latitudinal position but also by geographical factors, mainly in the east. The climate here is warm oceanic monsoon because it is located in the humid zone of influence and the continental influence of the west, due to the winds coming between the maritime dry zone, the eastern part of the sea gets a relatively humid climate, but the western dry part of the western part of the continental influence.
The reason is affected by the climate. In the same part, due to less rainfall, the answer is less than 100 cm. The plains located close to the Himalayas fall in the Terai region and its parts are opposite to the heat. In the central west of the region, the heat is high and the temperature reaches up to 46 ° C. Himalayas on the one hand Bihar’s climate
The effect of proximity especially affects the condition and distribution of rainfall, on the other hand, the cyclones coming from the Bay of Bengal, especially the Rajasthan extension, also affect the climate of the state. During summer, the low pressure developed in the region reaches Bihar and Odisha in the east, due to which the winds of the Bay of Bengal start blowing towards our state, due to which it rains in summer. In this way, the nature of the climate of Bihar cannot be called completely continental because – there is enough moisture in the air throughout the year. That is why it is called the area of modified continental nature. 20) reason
Not only the geographical conditions in Bihar are supernatural from the point of view of natural structure, but this region is also a unique example of biological diversity not only in India but also in the whole of South-East Asia.
Their rare biological species have been recorded in fresh-water sources, submerged areas, flood-affected plains, forests and hills. In this way our physiographic and climatic conditions, Bihar has been consistently vulnerable to several disasters, including rains, droughts, heatwaves, storms, hailstorms and occasional summer cyclones. winter walker
Sheetlahar also takes the lives of humans and animals. Located in Bihar high and medium seismic zone, it is also prone to earthquakes. This is the reason, due to which the following challenges related to climate change are visible for the development-oriented Bihar – which are as follows-
Flood problem
Due to increase in the water level in the rivers like Ganga, Gandak, Budhi Punpun Gandak Bagmati, Kamla Balan Son, Kosi etc. in Bihar, there is a possibility of flood every year in the surrounding areas. This Kosi river is called Karana or Abhi by the name of Bihar’s mourning and curse flood.
Agriculture and heavy losses occur in Bihar every year, which has a bad and adverse effect on development. In Bihar, there are 109 lakh hectares of land, which mainly face the problem of water logging in the Gandak and Kosi basins. This country’s something like this The state which is most affected by floods is 73.06% of the total geographical area of the state is flood prone and the problem of potential drought area in the country :- It is 17.2% of the
Drought Problem
prone rivers flow here, while the plains of South Bihar dry up during summer, and the rivers originating from the Himalayas have water throughout the year. Some areas of Kaimur Rohtas, Gaya, Aurangabad, Nawada, Munger, Jamui Sheikhpura, Lakarkhisarai, Bhagalpur, Patna, Nalanda and Jehanabad are drought-affected in South Bihar. In these droughts, where the rainfall is less than 100 cm to 120 cm in the affected areas, it is called dry area.
Many of these districts suffer from both floods and droughts, such as the districts in the southern region suffering from drought and floods, and their monsoon sufferers are generally affected by Bihar, whose monsoon is moderate. Let’s go to inequality. 20% area drought main reason Uncertainty and change. less due to weakening of monsoon Agriculture is difficult in these areas Happens
Human activities
Human activity are the main factor of climate change Human activities cannot be underestimated on earth but human population is two hundred years faster. last. increasing speed. This population needs a better part of the environmental resources for their survival, the activities are exhausting them but affecting them to a human extent. Like Need of industries by cutting forests, harvesting transport means – more use, factories and waste received in Ganga
Spreading in the villages, abandoning the spreading of garbage everywhere in the cities, there is no responsibility for the “conservation” of water excreta, random use of K for generators, cooler freezes, air conditioners, cremo powders in residential houses. , Skin Reason decrease in ground water level the areas of Bihar which are affected by climate change are greatly affected.
Main 1 reason of rain is main drought. The development of Batesland ponds and canals is considered to be “no” cultured rain 126 illiteracy in this area. Less than cm due to absence :- Water conservation is less
Traditional living damage
Human living and life especially climate has been happening. Food season Ethics Traditional living system Place affected House Traditional and clothing Introduction Different types of creams, Esno powder All the ingredients are from the weather and ‘Jalvath’, because – Natural resources are dependent.
Communities that may be more affected by climate change on the season Their social status is such that they are marginalized in the way of development. On the other hand, the economically strong of the society due to its lifestyle has been contributing to the global warming by contributing carbon emissions. Increase in the number of firecrackers in festivals, weddings and festivals.
we are behaving. pollution and climate change Climate change should be developed in the above scenario and its effects will be an important planning effort, which are the following in its own successful climate and understanding-

(1) Climate in proportion to the atmosphere and, if there is a change in the forest cover, the balance of both is affected, and there is a certain amount of plants and animals in it. In the midst of this, we have to do personal 33/ work in official capacity are necessary.
(II) To get rid of the problem of flood- Surwad, the task of connecting the rivers of Bihar to get the answer
Important biological work will be done for the conservation of diversity.
(III) Threatened species of birds in Bihar such as subspecies of vultures as well as crow, sparrow and mammal bats are also in a position to join the endangered species, they need to be protected. GirlH-G. ban on the use of exhaust gases
(iv) Instead of this, special emphasis should be laid on using other sources of energy. To reduce the possibility of climate change, participation has to be increased, it has to be publicized that this problem is for all of us
(V) Therefore, by sacrificing the culture, the climate is less extreme, the people of Bihar are doing the necessary culture, so that the possibilities of the above-mentioned change can be done.