Traditional and Modern Farming : India is an agricultural country, where 70% of the population is dependent on agriculture. My village is Repura located on the banks of Tamsa river in Hisua block under Nawada district of Magadha division. Traditionally, the agriculture system here has been a part of the social life here. It is certain that without increase in production it is difficult to feed the growing population. Our traditional agriculture system was able to make us self-sufficient in terms of production.
Mechanization of agriculture system started in this area from the decade of 60s, there was an increase in productivity, but more damage was seen from it. In the villages, people often hear after harvesting that there is no benefit from farming in today’s era, as much as the capital is spent, the income is not in proportion. This thing sat in my mind. Equally there was a desire to get in-depth information about it.
I started discussing with my friend who studies in my class and after a lot of analysis, I gave the title of my project “Comparative study of traditional and modern farming. Planned work started from date-05 September-2021 under the direction of Mr. Sailesh Kumar Sinha.
We chose our village Repura as the project site. My colleague and I along with our guide inspected the cultivable land. During the inspection, a lot of information was collected from the farmers through questionnaire method, which was noted in the project report. We did a soil study of this Devtra and it was found that in this area, the soil-content of the land plowed by tractor increases later. Such possibilities are less in farming done with dull bulls.

Modern Farming understand 2 easy way
Farming done in rural areas by mechanical methods has been crippling the economic condition of the rural farmers as well as affecting their prosperity proportionately. The size of the holdings here is small, due to which it becomes difficult to do farming with mechanical means and the total cost increases much more than the proportionate production.
It was also revealed from the analysis that practically the problem seen in mechanical method of farming is that diesel, mohit or small tools fall somewhere in the fields due to which the soil gets polluted. On the contrary, the knowledge of farming with the help of Hull Pal nourishes the soil because neem wood is used in the plow which is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Based on the discussions described
Our team concluded that traditional farming is more productive, productive and cheaper than mechanized farming.

To solve the problem here, our team has prepared a self-made compost under scientific thinking, which helps in increasing the water holding capacity of the soil as well as keeping the antibacterial and plant green. The D.A.P. in farming. There is no need to use fertilizers at all. It is much cheaper than chemical flavor, does not have any effect on the environment, as well as maintains the fertility of the soil.
Material (in Kg)
Cow dung 50kg
Neem leaf 10kg
Karanj leaf 10kg
datura leaf 5kg
mail leaf 5kg
cow urine 25ltrs
Method of use
First of all, after digging a pit of 4’*3’*3′, mixing the suitable materials and putting it in a pit, water is poured from the top with reed leaves. After 120-140 days it matures and a born organic insecticide compost is prepared. After putting it before planting the plant, it was seen that the crop productivity increased significantly. The cost turned out to be negligible. Turmeric disease did not affect Mulsa and Bali at all due to chemical fertilizers and paddy diseases.
Our team got the farmers to cultivate paddy on 1shrut-modern tanke and 1 acre in traditional way and compared both in cost price and production price, found that about Rs.6000/-. Cultivating meditation in a more traditional way took more work.
Therefore, our team encouraged the farmers to do plow-gas farming and conserved the soil and along with it saved the nutrients of the soil from getting destroyed. In our village, there is no consolidation of holdings, due to which small areas of land are being plowed.
Farming is done easily by this method. Farming on such lands is very difficult and expensive in the mechanical era. The farmers resolved to cultivate the things dried up by me with a lot of effort and plow again.
Traditional Farming and Modern Farming with YouTube Vedio 🎬